Read on to find out what our Head of Property Management, Lisa Alcock, thinks of the current market and what we can do for you.
Hi everyone! My name is Lisa and I’m the Head of the Property Management department at Edward Mellor.
I started my career with the company, some 14 years ago, at the tender age of 18. I developed my love for both the industry and the company during this time.
Following a stint down south in Suffolk, I came back to Edward Mellor and have been in my current role for the past two years.
It’s safe to say, the current situation escalated quite quickly.
From being something I watched closely on the news, affecting other countries, to now being something that prevents me from going to the office every day.
Like many, I think I can say that I wasn’t prepared.
However, the business was.
A well thought out and effective plan was put into place, allowing Edward Mellor to function and thrive.
As is the case with many companies these days, The Property Management department is now working from home.
But despite my team being dotted all over the city, we continue to support everyone. We’re still offering the same level of support to our landlords who might be concerned about their tenant’s personal circumstances. As well as offering our support to our tenants who might be concerned that those very circumstances could affect their living situation.
The only real difference my team are experiencing is a severe lack of brew runs!
We want all tenants and landlords to know that we’re here to listen. Whatever the situation might be, we can provide a plan of action that’s in the best interest of all parties.
We’re here to assess situations and provide professional advice to ensure that no one suffers financially or emotionally.
Many of the team are coming back to me and saying how positive the conversations have been!
Not only that, but we have been able to direct tenants to the right government incentives to ensure they are applying for what they are rightly entitled to.
It is because of our understanding yet business-minded approach, that we’ve been able to keep the number of tenants who are unable to pay their rent to a minimum. And for those who genuinely can’t make their rent payments, we have plans in place which have all been agreed with our landlords.
These are tough times for all and working together has never been more necessary.
We want you to relax (as much as you can) in these unprecedented times. My team can provide a service that looks after your most valuable investment.
We’re working hard to ensure our landlords are financially impacted as little as possible.
As well as this, we’re continuing to ensure maintenance is carried out where necessary under the government guidelines.
We’re still offering properties to rent and will facilitate new tenancies that are deemed necessary, again, whilst always adhering to the government guidance.
I may be working from my kitchen, with my staff miles away in their own homes, we’re still here, still offering exceptional service to both landlords and tenants alike.
If you are considering instructing a managing agent, please do not hesitate to contact us 0161 443 4777 or drop us an email at [email protected].
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