A TWO BEDROOM, GROUND FLOOR FLAT with GARAGE and PARKING a mere stroll from Marple centre; and easy walking distance to TWO TRAIN STATIONS at Rosehill and Marple.
Offered with NO CHAIN this flat includes communal entrance hall, entrance hall with storage cupboards. Lounge, modern kitchen with dining area with ample space for table and chairs. Two bedrooms and bathroom with shower.
Outside, there are communal gardens, a single garage which provides further storage and/or parking.
Benefiting from full gas fired central heating and upvc double glazed windows.
Available with NO ONWARD CHAIN we urge ALL interested parties searching for a property right at the very heart of Marple to arrange an immediate appointment to view.
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2 Market Street
58 Station Road, SK6£450,000
4 Station Road, SK6£243,000
LYCHWOOD Station Road, SK6£170,000