Here at Edward Mellor we strongly believe in doing our bit for the community.
From supporting local organisations to raising money for nationwide charities, we’ve proudly raised thousands of pounds over the 30 years we’ve been in business.
We’ve been really busy fundraising for the below-listed charities and we’re not done yet.
Here are just a few snaps from some of the events we’ve held so far…
Save the Children, is an international non-governmental organisation that promotes children’s rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.
Each year our staff join in on wearing a Christmas jumper to help raise money for this wonderful cause.
Jeans for Genes Day is the annual fundraising campaign for Genetic Disorders UK, the national charity that supports individuals and families affected by a genetic disorder.
Monies raised on Jeans for Genes Day fund the work of the charity and provide grants to organisations for projects that aim to transform the lives of children with genetic disorders.
This year, our team dressed in denim and brought in loads of baked goods to raise money for a great cause.
Since its launch in 1988, Red Nose Day has become something of a British institution. It’s the day when people across the land can get together and raise money at home, school, and work.
Comic Relief is a major charity based in the UK, with a vision of a just world, free from poverty.
We had a jam-packed day full of fundraising activities which included a dress-down day, a cake sale, a bottle tombola, and a ‘guess Katherine Ryan’s favourite cupcake’ competition.
BBC Children in Need is the BBC’s UK corporate charity.
They provide grants to projects in the UK that focus on children and young people who are disadvantaged.
After a dress-down day, a big buffet, and a pretty intense duck race we managed to raise £300 for a fantastic cause.
Alzheimer’s Society is the only UK charity that campaigns for change, funds research to find a cure, and supports people living with dementia today.
Each year they host a national cupcake day, so we decided to join in and try and help ‘bake’ a difference.
We filled our boots with baked goods, played games and raised money for an amazing cause.
At Edward Mellor, we invest in watercoolers from AquAid, a company that helps save the lives of thousands of children in Africa. Their products keep our team healthy and hydrated, and for every purchase we make, an automatic donation is made on our behalf to The Africa Trust.
These funds are used to build water wells known as ‘Elephant Pumps’ in areas in Africa where it is needed the most, like in schools and villages. A pump is set to be installed on our behalf which will provide a much-needed source of fresh drinking water for many.
By using AquAid water coolers you can also help bring life-giving water to thousands of people every day. For more information on how you can help, contact [email protected].