Plans have been approved to build a new block of apartments in Stalybridge.
The new development has been given the g0-ahead, despite councilor’s concerns over limited space for parking.
The Tameside planning committee approved proposals to construct up to 14 flats, located off Grosvenor Street in Stalybridge.
Currently, the land sits derelict and fenced off.
The plans show the development as a 4-storey block which is very similar to the size of the adjoining development, Summer Quay.
Members of the panel seemed keen to put these plans in place but were apprehensive about the lack of parking available in the designs.
The plans, which were submitted to the town hall, showed the development as a 4-storey block, very similar to the size of the adjoining Summer Quay.
Stalybridge North Councillor Adrian Pearce said: “We usually pass schemes where there has been 50 percent or 70 percent parking provision”.
“Here there is none and I can’t believe if there were 14 units you wouldn’t have somebody, at least three, four, five people with cars, and I can’t think of where the nearest place is where you could put them overnight.”
In the report, it has been stated that the site is in a great location for public transport and is within easy walking distance of the bus and train station. It also has access to the local facilities in the town centre.
Dukinfield and Stalybridge Count Eleanor Wills added: “My concern being a local councillor will be the impact that it will have.
“I do believe it is sustainable, but I don’t believe that out of 14 residents one or two of those wouldn’t have a vehicle.”
Development manager Martyn Leigh said: “It might be that when the application comes in for reserved matters it would be looked at, at that time.
“But there is no parking provision included.”
Peter Taylor, head of planning, told the panel they could note the concerns about parking in the decision and request that this is considered when detailed plans come back to the committee.
“As part of the recommendation it needs to be said that parking is a concern,” he said.
Thomas Konarski from Inspire Planning Solutions spoke in favour of the application, arguing that the apartment complex would improve a ‘vacant and derelict’ site.
“It should be noted that the site is not within the conservation area but it does adjoin it,” he said.
“The derelict appearance of the site at the moment is harmful to the existing conservation area.
“On amenity, we have worked carefully to ensure that the neighbours would not be affected.
“There would be no adverse effect on privacy.”
The application for the 14 flats was approved.